Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Oxford Union rules

Please review the Oxford Union Rules

Additionally, please note the following:

1. If at all possible, please bring a plate of treats to share.
2. Suits, white or light blue shirts, dark solid ties for gentlemen. Dresses for ladies; black or navy blue
3. Speakers, please arrive by six; non-speakers by six-thirty.
4. We will need several volunteers: we need a timekeeper, two to four tellers (who will take votes at the division), and a handful of non-speakers willing to set up the refreshments table.

Notes on the debate itself: 

1. Members for the proposition will sit on the Chairman's right and the opposition on his left.
2. Speakers should remain on their side of the table at all times and should not move away from the table.
3. The audience will vote by exiting on the side they favor. (Ayes on their own right, Nays on their own left). The tellers will stand outside their door and count voters as they leave.  

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